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Thursday, August 22, 2019

Whole Lotta Rosie!

It's an interesting AC/DC tune, that's for certain.

There's a lot of stuff going on, and it 's going in all directions.

Let's start with this:
Case 18-2868, Document 271, 08/09/2019, 2628203, Page1 of 1


At a stated term of the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit, held at the
Thurgood Marshall United States Courthouse, 40 Foley Square, in the City of New York, on the
9th day of August, two thousand nineteen.
Julie Brown, Miami Herald Media Company,
Intervenors - Appellants.


Ghislaine Maxwell,

Docket No: 18-2868

Defendant - Appellee,
Virginia L. Giuffre,
Plaintiff - Appellee

I'm reposting the entire bloody thing, just in case it somehow goes bye-bye:

Martin Luther King III is a Big Fat Liar!by Marcus 3X
“My family never accused Rev. Jesse Jackson and Rev. Billy Kyles of complicity in the murder of Martin Luther King Jr.”
– Martin Luther King III
            The August 19, 2003, issue of the Final Call will go down in history as one of the most “controversial” issues ever. The front page read, Ye Shall Know the Truth: SCLC, King Family Seek to set Record Straight About King Assassination accompanied with a picture of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. At first glance I did not expect anything revealing in the article until I noticed that Eric Muhammad was a co-author of the article. Knowing that Eric had done some research on Dr. King’s assassination with researchers Steve Cokely and Corey Johnson, I expected to see some information on the topic that you would not read in any other mainstream publication. The article read like any other in the beginning. Not until I came upon a section entitled Thin Theory? did I get deeply interested in the article. The following is the first paragraph of the Thin Theory?:[1]On April 8, 1998, Mrs. Coretta Scott King, her son Dexter King, Rev. Walter E. Fauntroy and former UN Ambassador Andrew Young met with then-U.S. Attorney General Janet Reno for two-and-a-half hours. They demanded a new federal investigation into the King assassination, based on new evidence that had come to their attention. The family alleges that the Reverends Jesse L. Jackson and Samuel Billy Kyles are complicit in the assassination of Dr. King.
            When I read that paragraph I was blown away. I couldn’t believe that the Final Call would print an article that stated Jesse Jackson and Billy Kyles were involved in the assassination of Dr. King. The article went on to mention Kyles’ statement during a news conference on April 3, 1998, saying, “He was here and I stood there. Only when I moved away so that they would have a clear shot, then the shot rang out.” To some this FREUDIAN SLIP along with other information has caused some people to believe that Kyles was involved in Dr. King’s assassination. Further into the article under the section entitled Questions Of Perjury some issues are raised on Jesse’s activity prior to Dr. King’s assassination. The following paragraphs under this section state the following:[2]Much of the evidence introduced during the panel involved a question of foreknowledge on the part of Rev. Jackson, specifically if he was responsible for removing from the Lorraine Motel, 15 minutes before the assassination, a community group that was there to protect Dr. King.
“The Justice Department said in their June 2000 report on their investigation into the evidence and court proceedings that he could not have possibly instigated their removal. The Justice Department concluded that they are aware of no document exonerating Jackson; that Jackson said that he couldn’t have possibly gotten the community group off the balcony, because he did not even know they were staying in the hotel,” said researcher activist Steve Cokely.
“Now I raise the question of conspiracy to cover-up,” he continued. “Now, it is a question of perjury, because documents do exist-that articulate that Jackson met with the community group-through a report of informants used by the government at the Lorraine Motel. The document articulates who was in the meeting and what the results of that meeting were,” he explained. “Jackson was instrumental, according to the documents, in Billy Kyles being assigned as the liaison to this community group, known as the Invaders. There is an authentic government intelligence report that corroborates Jackson’s involvement with this community group at the Lorraine Motel, contrary to his denial under oath to the U.S. government investigators.”
            Once I completed the article I went out of my way to tell a lot of people. Never in my wildest dreams would I have ever thought that the Final Call would print an article stating that Jesse Jackson and Billy Kyles were involved in Dr. King’s assassination. Unfortunately, it didn’t take long for reality to kick in.
The Final Call Retracts King Assassination ArticleComplicity is defined as partnership or involvement in wrongdoing.[3] – Webster’s Dictionary
On the morning of Wednesday, August 27, 2003, I heard Dick Gregory giving an interview on the Chris Askew show that airs on 1380 AM in Atlanta, Georgia. Towards the end of the interview I decided to call in to ask Mr. Gregory some questions in regards to Dr. King’s assassination. Unfortunately, Mr. Gregory ended his interview before I was put on the air. When I was put on the air I started to talk about issues raised in the Dr. King assassination mentioned in the previous week’s issue of the Final Call along with Jesse Jackson lying about how Dr. King’s blood got on his shirt. After I was off the air I heard Chris state something in regards to some of my statements being retracted. At first I was upset because I thought that everything I stated was crossed out. I couldn’t figure out why Chris would say that. Did he fear of getting in trouble at the radio station? Did something happen that I wasn’t aware of? When I logged onto my computer at my store I went to UNCLE TOM Rob Redding’s website.[4] At the top of his website was a link of the Final Call retracting a news story. Once I read that I knew that it had to connect to the Dr. King assassination story that printed the previous week. I clicked on the link and it took me to the Washington Times’ website. Right before my eyes the headline read Farrakhan Paper Retracts King Story. The following are excerpts from the Washington Times’ article on the Final Call retracting the Dr. King assassination story [emphasis in bold by Marcus 3X]:[5]The editor of the Nation of Islam's weekly newspaper has resigned in the wake of the publication of a story asserting that the family of Martin Luther King suspects that the Rev. Jesse Jackson was "complicit" in the 1968 assassination of the civil rights leader.James G. Muhammad submitted his resignation after issuing a public apology, ending his 11-year tenure at the Final Call, the paper published by Louis Farrakhan and his Nation of Islam. Mr. Muhammad declined to talk about the retraction yesterday.

The retraction and apology appeared in this week's edition of the Final Call.
The article, written by Eric Ture Muhammad and Donna Muhammad, ran as the lead story under the headline "SCLC, King family seek to set record straight about King assassination." The story focused on the 45th annual convention of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference held earlier this month in Memphis, Tenn., where King was assassinated.
"I failed in my responsibility to look deeply into the allegations presented in this article," Mr. Muhammad wrote. "And it has caused distress to the families of Dr. King, Rev. Jackson ... Min. Farrakhan and untold others."The newspaper had reported that in 1998, Coretta Scott King, King's widow, her son Dexter King, the Rev. Walter E. Fauntroy and former U.N. Ambassador Andrew Young requested a new federal investigation into the assassination in a two-hour meeting with Attorney General Janet Reno."They demanded a new federal investigation into the King assassination, based on new evidence that had come to their attention. The family alleges that the Reverends Jesse L. Jackson and Samuel Billy Kyles are complicit in the assassination of Dr. King," the newspaper reported of the April 8, 1998, meeting.
In a speech at the Memphis conference, Martin Luther King III, president of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, noted the 1999 civil case in which his family challenged the prevailing theory that James Earl Ray, who had confessed to the shooting of the civil rights leader, was truly to blame.
"We came here engaged in a civil suit [in 1999]. Seventy overwhelming witnesses were called to testify about who killed Martin Luther King Jr. America, and some here, say it was James Earl Ray. But James Earl Ray was just an unknowing patsy."A jury concluded in 1999 that there was a conspiracy to murder the civil rights leader and that Ray was designated to take the fall.
The Final Call's retraction said the inaccurate information concerning Mr. Jackson and Mr. Kyles, which was included midway through the original article, had "no basis in fact or proof."   "The King family has never said that," said Robert Vickers, a spokesman for the King Center in Atlanta."The story attributed it to the King family, but Eric Muhammad indicated in a [later] conversation with us that it really came from trial transcripts. What the family did say is that it had taken this issue as far as it can, and now it was up to [the public and reporters]."Mr. Jackson is "very upset" about the article, said a source near the King family. Mr. Jackson did not return calls seeking comment.
In addition to the retraction and apology, the Final Call added a story on its Web site Friday in which Mr. Fauntroy, who led a House subcommittee that investigated the King assassination in 1978, contradicted the earlier article. "There is no evidence that our committee uncovered, that implicated in any way the Rev. Jesse L. Jackson or Rev. Samuel Billy Kyles in the conspiracy to kill Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.," he said.
Mr. Kyles is pastor of Monumental Baptist Church in Memphis and a Clinton appointee to the Advisory Committee for Religious Freedom Abroad. He did not return calls yesterday.

Several phone numbers obtained for one of the article's authors, Eric Ture Muhammad, a one-time spokesman for former Rep. Cynthia A. McKinney, Georgia Democrat, were disconnected, and he did not respond to e-mail inquiries.
His personal Web site includes several references to the jury findings in the Kings' 1999 case. "For more than 35 years, practically no challenge from the masses of the people — those who benefited from Dr. King's work most — to solve the murder and bring the surviving culprits to justice," Mr. Muhammad writes in a posting, adding that among blacks there is a "leadership who pimps the legacy of Dr. King for personal gain."After reading the article on the Washington Times’ website I was confused and angered about the retraction. Before I decided to make any conclusions on the subject I decided to go to the Final Call’s website to see if any information was posted on this matter. Knowing the history of the mainstream press I knew that I couldn’t take their story at face value. I figured the best place to go to find out the “truth” on the subject was the Final Call’s website that had the following posted [text in bold is not emphasis by Marcus 3X]:[6]In our August 19, 2003 edition of The Final Call newspaper, Vol. 22, Number 46, our front page cover sub- headline stated: "SCLC, King family seek to set the record straight about King assassination" with the front page headline: "Ye Shall Know the Truth." There was an accompanying photograph of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. also on the cover.
On page 3 of that edition, the headline reads: "SCLC returns to Memphis," with the sub-headline: "To reclaim civil rights legacy and free the future, Dr. King’s children say truth of his assassination must be made known."
The published story on page 30, column 2 under the caption "Thin theory?" included the following statement: "On April 8, 1998, Mrs. Coretta Scott King, her son Dexter King, Reverend Walter E. Fauntroy and former UN Ambassador Andrew Young met with then-U.S. Attorney General Janet Reno for two-and-a half hours. They demanded a new federal investigation into the King assassination, based on new evidence that had come to their attention. The family alleges that the Reverends Jesse L. Jackson and Samuel Billy Kyles are complicit in the assassination of Dr. King."
The statement that, "The family alleges that the Reverends Jesse L. Jackson and Samuel Billy Kyles are complicit in the assassination of Dr. King" was wrongfully and erroneously attributed to the King Family.
The Final Call retracts this statement as having no basis in fact or proof.
The Final Call deeply regrets this error in the publishing of the story, and extends our sincere apologies to The King Family, Reverend Jesse L. Jackson and Reverend Billy Kyles.
The Final Call hopes that the stories in this edition will aid in the correction of this erroneous allegation.
The statement that, "The family alleges that the Reverends Jesse L. Jackson and Samuel Billy Kyles are complicit in the assassination of Dr. King" apparently is the source of all the controversy.
The Final Call emphasized in bold that the statement has no basis in fact or proof. The same day I read these articles I had a face-to-face talk with Eric Muhammad. The statement was supposedly worded incorrectly and needed correcting. Did James Muhammad deserve to resign as the editor of the Final Call because of one “incorrectly” written sentence? In my opinion, NO! Did Eric Muhammad deserve to resign as a journalist for the Final Call because of one “incorrectly” written sentence? In my opinion, NO! Both men put in too much time at the Final Call to step down because of one “incorrectly” written sentence. If you read Eric’s article you will not find any false information attributed to the King family. As a human, who is subject to error, it was only a matter of time before the editor would miss a sentence that needed “correction” before the paper made it to the streets. I am sure that there have been times in the past that certain items made it to the paper that should have been “corrected.” With that said I believe that both men did not deserve to resign at the Final Call especially when anyone can go to the King family’s own website ( and find information that suggests that Jesse Jackson and Billy Kyles were involved in wrongdoing moments before Dr. King was assassinated.[7] It makes no sense for Martin Luther King III to rebuke the Dr. King assassination article when his family’s website contains information in agreement with the article. In the remainder of this article I am going to document information that suggests that the Jesse Jackson and Billy Kyles were involved in wrongdoing moments before and after Dr. King’s assassination.
The Strange Behavior of Jesse Jackson“The press ... traditionally sides with authority and the establishment."
- Sam Donaldson, ABC correspondent
Before I discuss some of the strange activities of Jesse Jackson surrounding Dr. King’s assassination it must be known that Dr. King and Jesse did not have a good relationship, as the mainstream media would like for us to believe. Dr. King didn’t trust Jesse. Dr. King was able to convince William Rutherford, a businessman from Chicago, to serve as executive director of SCLC for one-year. One of the first tasks Dr. King gave to William was to find out if Jesse was sincerely interested being involved with SCLC [emphasis in bold by Marcus 3X]:[8]
King’s other mission for Rutherford involved a third staff member about whom King was concerned. “He said, ‘The second thing I want you to do is, Jesse Jackson’s so independent, I either want him in SCLC or out---you go whichever way you want to, but one way or the other, he’s a part of SCLC or he’s not a part of SCLC.’”
…Although part of the tension was rooted in the Atlanta staffers’ desire to keep a tight rein on Chicago-based programs, much of the trouble stemmed from a distrust of Jackson’s personal motives. “Jesse was really an outsider in a way, striving very hard to get in, to be accepted, to be respected,” recalled Calvin Morris, who became associate director of Breadbasket during that winter. “The doubt about Jesse is what it is for, is it for Jesse or for the movement?” Stanley Levison said to Coretta King six months later. “I know on this Martin had many deep doubts.” [James] Bevel often defended Jackson, telling King, “He’s just crude ‘cause he’s young.” King disagreed, saying, “No, he’s ambitious,” and voiced his unease to close friends. “Jesse had irritating ways,” King’s Chicago confidant Chauncey Eskridge explained. “I don’t think we cared much for him.”
…Rutherford appreciated that King’s unhappiness with Jackson went beyond spirit and ideology. “He didn’t trust Jesse, he didn’t even like Jesse…If you ask me if there was any suspicion about Jesse motives and even devotion to the movement, I would say categorically yes, there was---considerable. And we talked about it.”
The Saturday before Dr. King’s assassination Dr. King yelled at Jesse Jackson after leaving a meeting disgruntled. According to Andrew Young he never witnessed Dr. King yell at anyone publicly like he did towards Jesse. This incident shows how Dr. King felt about Jesse [emphasis in bold by Marcus 3X]:[9]
At that meeting, in a study at Ebenzer church, King “just jumped on everybody,” says Young. “He said we’d let him down. That we all had our own agendas and constantly left everything up to him. He said, ‘I can’t take all of this on by myself. I need you to take your share of the load.’” Finally came his outburst of exasperation, far more widely retold, with Jackson, who had kept pressing for alterations of the Poor People’s CampaignKing had fumed out of the room, with Jackson trailing after him, along with Young. Jackson called from the top of the stairs as King and Abernathy were turning on the landing below, “Doc?Doc?” Young recalls, “Jesse tried to encourage him, but it was sort of a glib thing, you know, ‘Don’t worry, everything’s going to be all right.’” At that, King wheeled and pointed a finger up at Jackson: “Jesse, everything’s not going to be all right. If things keep going the way they’re going now, it’s not SCLC but the whole country that’s in trouble. I’m not asking, Support me. I don’t need this. But if you’re so interested in doing your own thing, that you can’t do what this organization’s structured to do, if you want to carve out your own niche in society, go ahead. But for God’s sake don’t bother me!” Jackson was left with a blasted and desolate stare. Young remembers, “It was shocking in a sense that he never talked to anybody like that. Though he’d often been mad at me, nobody had ever seen him mad like that before.”
…That challenge turned out to be the last substantive words King ever passed on to Jackson.With a better understanding of the feelings Dr. King had for Jesse Jackson prior to his assassination we can now move forward to April 4, 1968. Prior to Dr. King’s assassination a local Memphis community group known as the Invaders were asked to help with the April 8 march. On the night of April 1, 1968, the Invaders had a meeting with Hosea Williams, James Bevel, Jesse Jackson, and James Orange.[10] To help their participation in the planning of the march the Invaders moved into rooms 315 and 316 located south of Dr. King’s room on April 3, 1968, at the Lorraine Motel. Since the Invaders were short on money SCLC had agreed to pick up some of the Invaders’ motel bills.[11] Less than thirty minutes before Dr. King was assassinated a strange event took place with the Invaders [emphasis in bold by Marcus 3X]:[12]
My interviews with the Invaders turned up a few notable observations. Charles “Izzy” Harrington was one of the Invaders occupying rooms 315 and 316 farther along the balcony from Dr. King’s room 306 on April 3 and 4.
…Izzy said that at about 5:45 or 5:50 pm on April 4, a maid knocked on his door and told him that the Invaders were going to have to leave the motel, because Dr. King’s group was no longer going to pay their bill (previously, Invader Charles Ballard had also recalled this incident). When Izzy asked who had given her those instructions, she said Reverend (Jesse) Jackson. Izzy and the rest of the Invaders gathered up their things and left, some in Cabbage’s blue Mustang, others on foot. This explained the sudden departure recorded in Patrolman Richmond’s log, which was compiled from his surveillance post in the fire station across the street.
Izzy recalled that they had only been off the motel property for about fifteen minutes when they heard the sirens and learned about the shootings. They ran back toward the motel only to find roadblocks (Public Works Department wooden horses) were in place on Mulberry Street. He said it couldn’t have been more than ten minutes after the shooting that they were put up. His opinion was that someone knew what was going to happened and had them ready.
Since when can anyone sit in a motel/hotel room around 5:45 pm without the room being paid for? Clearly this evacuation of the Invaders appears to be suspicious. I would like to know why would the Invaders simply leave the Lorraine Motel without asking Dr. King or someone with SCLC especially Jesse Jackson why so long after checkout time they were being evacuated? Without being RUSHED is it possible for the Invaders to evacuate two rooms, gather all of their belongings, pack their belongings in Charles Cabbage’s car, turn in their motel keys, and proceed some distance from the motel within 15 minutes? Remember Dr. King was shot sometime around 6 pm. I am not saying that the evacuation of the Invaders at the request of Jesse didn’t take place. I am only questioning the timing. I can see the Invaders leaving the Lorraine Motel after being told at 5:45 pm possible if someone within the group RUSHED them. I thought that it was interesting to know that SCLC had an executive staff meeting that ended around the time the Invaders were told to leave the motel.[13] I personally believe that the Invaders were told to leave closer to 5:30 pm if they were not rushed. Cabbage gave this description of the Invaders sudden evacuation from the Lorraine Motel [emphasis in bold by Marcus 3X]:[14]
Cabbage described the Invaders’ sudden departure within 11 minutes of the shooting. He said that a member of the Lorraine staff knocked on their door. It must have been after 5:30 pm. They were told that they had to leave because SCLC was no longer going to pay their bill. This appeared strange because the bill for that evening’s lodging would have clearly been paid, or obligated to be paid, much earlier in the day. Though it made no sense from any standpoint, he said they accepted the order, which he said they were told came from Reverend Jesse Jackson. They quickly packed up their things and began to leave around 10 minutes before 6 pm. The timing of their departure was later confirmed by the testimony of MPD Captain Willie B. Richmond (retired), who noted the event in his surveillance report developed from his observation post inside and at the rear of the fire station. Captain Richmond also testified that around the same time, he observed Reverend Kyles knock on King’s door. Richmond said Dr. King opened the door, spoke with him briefly, and then closed the door. Kyles then walked some distance north on the balcony and stood at the railing. This account, of course, contradicted the story Kyles has told for over three decades, in which he said he was in King’s room for about 30 to 45 minutes before the shooting.At one point when they were being asked to leave, Cabbage said, he observed the Reverend Jesse Jackson standing on the ground near the swimming pool, which was opposite the balcony rooms occupied by Dr. King and the Invaders. He said that Reverend Jackson kept glancing impatiently at his watch. (It must be said, however, that the group was running late for their scheduled dinner at Reverend Kyles’ home.)
It is more difficult to understand why Jackson would have caused them to be summarily evicted (if he indeed did so) at that hour so near the time of the killing. Reverend Jackson has reportedly stated subsequently that he didn’t even remember the Invaders were staying at the Lorraine.Cabbage never understood it. In his testimony, he also confirmed that the Invaders occupying the Lorraine rooms were quite heavily armed as was their usual custom because of the hostility of the MPD.
Charles Cabbage’s story also raises questions and gives a reason why it was important to have them removed from their rooms prior to Dr. King’s assassination. If the Invaders were armed they could have returned gunfire towards the direction of the assassin and possibly prevented the false pointing initiated by MPD informant Marrell McCollough. In order to prevent any possible return gunfire someone had to make sure that the Invaders were not at the Lorraine Motel (especially the balcony). According to Charles Ballard and Charles Harrington the maid stated the order for their removal from the motel came from Jesse Jackson. Cabbage also noticed that Jesse was impatiently glancing at his watch. William Pepper suggested that Jesse was looking at his watch because the SCLC group was running late for dinner. That is an assumption.  Jesse could have been impatiently glancing at his watch because the Invaders evacuation was getting close to Dr. King’s appearance on the balcony. Both scenarios are assumptions but one can’t mention only one scenario, as being the reason for Jesse impatiently glancing at his watch. It wasn’t until Dr. King came onto the balcony Jesse was invited to go to dinner.[15] For Dr. King to invite Jesse to dinner at the last minute lets you know how Dr. King felt about Jesse. By the time Dr. King came onto the balcony the Invaders had to be off of the motel property.
Before Dr. King came onto the balcony Jesse Jackson had a conversation with Chauncey Eskridge in regards to Jesse not having on a tie.[16] Jesse, wearing brown trousers and a matching turtleneck, insisted that he didn’t need to wear a tie. Why would Jesse refuse to wear a tie when it was standard procedure? I offer this passage as a possible reason [emphasis in bold by Marcus 3X]:[17]In Memphis, the Alpha 184 team leader introduced Warren and Murphy to Lieutenant Eli Arkin of the MPD intelligence bureau. Arkin reportedly told them that their assistance was essential to save the city that Dr. King’s forces were preparing to burn down. They then met up with their contact around 1 p.m. Warren named him and said he believed he was a CIA agent. They were taken to their perch on top of the Illinois Central Railroad building where they assumed a state of readiness. In the course of the afternoon the team leader put Warren on the radio with MPD inspector Sam Evans who described the layout of the Lorraine. He also advised them that “friendlies would not be wearing ties.”(The only government agent we have identified who was physically close to Dr. King at the time of the killing was Marrell McCollough who was not wearing a tie. It is also interesting to note that James [Earl Ray] was wearing a tie although Raul, reportedly, was not.)
 Immediately when Dr. King came on the balcony Jesse Jackson CRIED OUT, “OUR LEADER!”[18] Jesse’s CRYING OUT froze Dr. King on the balcony and possibly used as a signal to let the assassin know that the target is in position to be shot. Not long after Jesse CRIED OUT to Dr. King someone fired at least one shot that killed Dr. King. The first person to reach Dr. King was Ralph Abernathy. Ralph tried to talk to Dr. King but he wasn’t getting a response. Ralph noticed Billy Kyles crying like a baby and told him to call for an ambulance. Kyles tried to use the phones but he couldn’t get a connection. It was later revealed that the lady operating the switchboard had suffered a heart attack.[19] As you can see certain people in key positions that could have possibly prevented Dr. King from being killed were either told to leave the Lorraine Motel or possibly killed. Ernestine Campbell along with her husband owned the Trumpet Hotel located by the Lorraine Motel. Moments before and after Dr. King was shot she made the following observation [emphasis in bold by Marcus 3X]:[20]
…No one had ever talked to her or asked her about what she saw on that fateful afternoon. Ernestine said she left the hotel and started for home just before 6 p.m., driving her gold-bronze Cadillac up Butler and turning right on Mulberry. As she passed the Lorraine driveway on Butler, she saw Dr. King standing on the balcony. She didn’t hear anything because she had the car windows up and the radio on. As she turned the corner on Mulberry she looked up and saw Dr. King lying on the balcony. She thought he’d had a heart attack. She stopped for a minute or two at the driveway, wondering why people weren’t racing to the balcony. Possibly she had arrived at the driveway when everyone was still in a state of shock.
Her attention was in particular drawn to Jesse Jackson who she said had one foot on the first step of the stairway looking up to the balcony while bent over “…putting something into a suit bag.”
Jesse Jackson looked startled when Ernestine Campbell noticed him putting something in a suit bag.[21] What item could Jesse possibly be placing in the suit bag? Was the suit bag noticed by Ernestine the same tote bag Don Rose noticed Jesse carrying around Chicago shortly after Dr. King’s assassination? Your guess is as good as mine but it is worth investigating. Jesse’s startled appearance suggests that he was placing something in the suit bag that he did not want anyone to notice.
Jesse Jackson was the first person to call Dr. King’s wife to let her know about her husband being shot.[22] In my opinion this was a good move on Jesse’s behalf. By him being the first person to call Dr. King’s wife he would make himself appear innocent in the eyes of many especially Dr. King’s family. After Dr. King and others left for the hospital Jesse stayed around the crime scene telling people not to speak to the media.[23] Do you think Jesse did what he was telling others to do? Hell No! Check out what Jesse told the media [emphasis in bold by Marcus 3X]:[24]That night in Memphis, after King’s body had been taken away, Jackson was meandering about outside the motel in a pursing swirl of media, microphones crowding under his chin at his every move, reporters calling after him, “Jesse? Reverend?-“
“I need to see Dr. King,” he insisted. Turning to someone passing, he said, “Can I get a ride to see Dr. King?”
“Reverend, could you tell us just what happened, please?”
He swerved away again from the thrusting mikes and tape recorders with a glower, his head lowered in the camera lights. “Can you wait a little while?”
“Would you tell me just what happened so we can get this film in, please?”
At last, he could not refrain. “People were, some in pandemonium, some in shock, some were hollering, ‘Oh God.’ And, uh…” He glanced up at an angle, peering into the middle distance above him as if meditating: “And I immediately started running upstairs to where he was. And I caught his head. And I tried to feel his head. And I, asked him, ‘Dr. King, do you hear me? Dr. King, do you hear me? And he didn’t say anything. And I tried to—to hold his head. But by then . . .”
Jesse Jackson told a lie to the media. Jesse never held Dr. King. Jesse told that lie to place himself next to Dr. King before he died for self-promotion. Hosea Williams had this to say when he noticed Jesse talking to the media:[25]
“I was in my room. I looked out and saw Jesse talking to these TV people. I came out to hear what was being said. I heard Jesse say, ‘Yes, I was the last man in the world King spoke to.’ I knew Jesse was lying because Solomon Jones was the one and I had a feeling about what Jesse was trying to pull. I climbed over the railing and was going to stomp him into the ground but a cop grabbed me. I called Jesse a dirty, stinking, lying so-and-so, or something like that. I don’t remember the exact words. What I did was wrong, I guess, but I am a very high tempered man. I had no hang-ups about Jesse talking to the press. That was okay, but why lie? Why capitalize on another man’s name and image---dead man, who can’t speak for himself?”
It would have been good for the media to film Hosea Williams kicking Jesse Jackson’s ass before the world after telling that lie. Jesse should have been happy that the cop stopped Hosea. If Hosea had been able to kick Jesse’s ass for telling a lie Jesse’s image would have been tarnished. The following are comments made by other people that were witnesses to Dr. King’s assassination:[26]Said Andrew Young, the SCLC executive director who went on to become a United States congressman, U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, and mayor of Atlanta: “The blood, the cradling, were all things I read in the newspaper and they are all mysteries to me.”
King’s chosen successor as leader of the SCLC, the Reverend Ralph D. Abernathy, said, “I am sure Reverend Jackson would not say to me that he cradled Dr. King. I am sure that Reverend Jackson would realize that I was the person who was on the balcony with Dr. King and did not leave his side until he was pronounced dead at St. Joseph’s Hospital in Memphis. I am sure that he would not say to me that he even came near Dr. King after DOC was shot.”
Chicago musician Ben Branch was with Jackson in the courtyard of the motel when the shooting occurred. “My guess is that Jesse smeared the blood on his shirt after getting it off the balcony. But who knows where he got it from? All I can say is that Jesse didn’t touch him.”
James Bevel, who was responsible for bringing Jesse Jackson to Dr. King’s organization, had these words to say about Jesse’s bloody shirt lie:[27]
Among the journalists who would later avail themselves of Bevel’s broodings for dismissive profiles of Jackson was Gail Sheehy, who quoted him as inveighing that “to prostitute” and “lie about the crucifixion of a prophet within a race” for the sake of “one’s own self-aggrandizement” was “the most gruesome crime a man can commit.”
According to Hosea Williams Jesse Jackson told him on the night of the assassination that he was ill and was going to Chicago to get medication.[28] The next morning Hosea and others saw Jesse on the NBC Today Show promoting himself with the blood stained shirt that supposedly came from Jesse holding Dr. King. Mainstream media outlets such as Playboy and Time magazine published articles promoting Jesse’s bloody shirt lie and calling him the heir apparent to Dr. King.[29]
According to Barbara Reynolds at least 100 articles promoted Jesse and his bloody shirt lie.[30]
Attendance at Jesse’s Operation Breadbasket’s memorial service increased from 400 (Saturday before Dr. King assassination) to 4000 (Saturday after Dr. King assassination).[31]
Reporter Betty Washington noticed Jesse trying to sound like Dr. King during a speech:[32]
“His voice, his intonation, his speech patterns-everything. I felt like he was imitating Dr. King. Their voices don’t sound alike, but somehow the way he emphasized his words, the way he used some of King’s favorite expressions…Well, I remember it had some of the people in the audience in hysterics. The way they acted it was as if King was being reincarnated in that man. It affected me immensely,” she said. “It was like he was trying to be King, like something staged.”
 I don’t care what anyone says the mainstream media/establishment doesn’t show that type of favoritism to a righteous Blackman. Only if Jesse Jackson made a deal with the devil to help Dr. King get killed would he receive the promotion by the mainstream media/establishment as the new “leader” of Black America. That’s exactly what happened. The mainstream media/establishment would never endorse anyone especially a Blackman, who was threatening. The New York Times in 1972 even labeled Jesse as non-threatening.[33] Do you actually believe Jesse was given permission to be a member of the Council of Foreign Relations and a run for president of the United States without proving his loyalty?

Jesse Jackson and Bill Cosby meeting with Hugh Hefner at the Playboy Mansion (aka Whorehouse). What is a Christian minister doing at a whorehouse?
As Steve Cokely has stated publicly it isn’t a crime for Jesse Jackson to lie about the blood on his shirt and holding Dr. King immediately after he was shot. Jesse’s lies does draw into question his CHARACTER. Here is a question for you to ponder. Considering Dr. King’s distrust of Jesse, Jesse’s removal of the Invaders from the Lorraine Motel and Jesse’s lies/self-promotion with the assistance of the mainstream media/establishment moments after Dr. King was killed would a person of that CHARACTER be willing to help facilitate a murder in exchange for world wide recognition as Black America’s top leader? My assessment of Jesse’s CHARACTER makes me believe that he is the type of person that would conspire to have Dr. King assassinated. And that’s exactly what happened in my opinion.
The Strange Behavior of Billy Kyles"The individual is handicapped by coming face to face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists."
- J. Edgar Hoover
Before I start any discussion on Billy Kyles it must be understood that the King family’s attorney had revealed that Kyles was a Memphis Police Department informant. The King family’s attorney wrote this about Kyles [emphasis in bold by Marcus 3X]:[34]
Jim Kellum, who had worked with the MPD intelligence bureau, confirmed to me for the first time on December 20, 1994, that he had learned that Reverend Billy Kyles had been an informant during 1967-1968. His source, who had been an administrative aide and secretary in the intelligence bureau, confirmed to me that Kyles had indeed supplied them with information on a regular basis but was unclear as to the precise dates of this service and appeared too nervous about going into detail.
On the day that Dr. King was assassinated a dinner was scheduled to take place at the home of Billy Kyles at 5 p.m. For years Kyles has claimed that he was in Dr. King’s room during the last hour of Dr. King’s life. Here is Kyles’ story:[35]
Ralph was dressed when I got in [to room 306] and Martin was still dressing…Ralph said, “All right now, Billy. I don’t want you fooling me tonight. Are we going to have soul food? Now if we get over there and get some filet mignon or T-bone, you’re going to flunk…” Martin says, “Yeah, we don’t want it to be like that preacher’s house we went to in Atlanta, that great big house. We …had some ham- a ham bone-and there wasn’t no meat on it. We had Kool Aid and it wasn’t even sweet…” I said, “You just get ready. You’re late.” I had told them 5:00 and I told my wife 6:00. I said, “Hurry up. Let’s go.”
He was in a real good mood…It may have been from what they accomplished in the staff meeting…when Martin’s relaxed he’s relaxed…He’d put his shirt on. He couldn’t find his tie. And he thought the staff was playing games with him, but we did find it in the drawer. When he put the shirt on, it was too tight. And I said, “Oh, Doctor, you’re getting fat!” He said, “Yeah, I’m doing that.”…
Ralph is still doing something. He’s very slow. And we went out together, Dr. King and myself, and stood side by side…Solomon Jones [King’s local driver] said something about it was getting cool and to get your coat…I was greeting some of the people I had not seen…Martin was leaning over the railing…
I called to Ralph to come on. They were getting ready to load up. I said, “I’ll come down. Wait a minute. Somebody can ride with me.” As I turned and got maybe five steps away this noise sounded. Like a firecracker.
In response to Billy Kyles’ story Hosea Williams stated that it was false.[36] During most of the afternoon until minutes before Dr. King was assassinated SCLC had an executive staff meeting. Since Kyles was not a member of SCLC he wasn’t at the meeting. Ralph Abernathy had this to say about Kyles’ story [emphasis in bold by Marcus 3X]:[37]
Regarding Billy Kyles’s testimony Ralph said angrily, “If Billy Kyles said that, then Billy Kyles is a liar.” Ralph said Kyles had at no time been in the room with them. Ralph had just slapped some cologne on his face when he heard the shot and ran outside to cradle his friend in his arms. Kyles was on the balcony.
Retired MPD Captain Willie Richmond was doing surveillance on Dr. King at the Lorraine Motel from a fire station that was located across the street. During his surveillance Billy Kyles never entered Dr. King’s room. Minutes before Dr. King came onto the balcony to be assassinated Kyles knocked on Dr. King’s door, exchanged a few words with Dr. King, Dr. King then closed the door, and Kyles proceeded some distance north on the balcony. [38] According to statements by Hosea Williams, Ralph Abernathy, and Willie Richmond Kyles never entered Dr. King’s room. During the 1999 wrongful death civil action King v. Jowers Kyles testified that Willie was an alcoholic, who died.[39]Unknowingly to Kyles Willie testified during the same trial a few days earlier. Kyles attempted to discredit Willie by making a false statement.
During the cross examination of Billy Kyles the King family’s legal team played a video news conference dated April 3, 1998. During the news conference Kyles said, “He was here and I stood there. Only when I moved away so that they would have a clear shot, then the shot rang out.” Kyles suggested that he was standing next Dr. King seconds before he was assassinated. This statement by Kyles is false. After Kyles knocked on Dr. King’s door to get him unto the balcony he moved a distance north on the balcony making sure he wasn’t close to Dr. King when he came out of his room.[40] Ralph Abernathy’s autobiography also suggests that Kyles was nowhere near Dr. King when he was exposed on the balcony [emphasis in bold by Marcus3X]:[41]
He started toward the door. “Ok,” he said. “I’ll wait on the balcony.”
As I was putting cologne on my face, I heard him talking to Jesse, who was down below in the courtyard. I was pleased to hear the conversation and warmth in Martin’s voice. Relations between them had been cool for the past few days, ever since the exchange after the Saturday meeting. Now Martin was clearly going out of his way to assure Jesse that everything was all right.
“Jesse,” he called out, “I want you to go to dinner with us tonight.”
Then I heard Billy Kyle’s voice, coming from the opposite end of the balcony.“Jesse took care of that even before we had a chance to invite you,” he yelled. “But tell Jesse not to invite too many other people.”
            Ralph Abernathy’s recollection of Billy Kyles’ position on the balcony and yelling to Dr. King places him nowhere near Dr. King, who was standing in front of his room. Why would Kyles’ lie about his whereabouts during Dr. King’s final hours? In my opinion Kyles lied about his position for self-promotion and to make himself appear to be innocent instead of suspicious. If Kyles knew Dr. King was going to get shot why would he stand next to Dr. King while wearing a tie? Remember MPD inspector Sam Evans said, “friendlies would not be wearing ties.”[42] Knowing that Kyles was a MPD informant it makes sense why he would stay a considerable distance from Dr. King on the balcony. Kyles hurried Dr. King out of his room.[43] After hurrying Dr. King out of his room Kyles stayed a considerable distance from Dr. King’s door on the north end of the balcony so that he wouldn’t get shot. During the 1993 television trial of James Earl Ray Billy Kyles was the prosecutions first witness. During his cross examination by William Pepper it appears that Kyles was covering up another issue [emphasis in bold by Marcus 3X]:[44]
I asked Kyles why, when he lived in Memphis, he had registered in room 312 at the Lorraine. He answered that he took a room in the event that someone else coming in without a reservation might need it. But in the next breath he went on to say, “As it turned out, A.D. King did come in, his brother came in,” implying that A.D. was going to take the room. He further stated that he ended up taking A.D. to his room. In fact A.D. registered in room 201.
Billy Kyles registered room 312 at the Lorraine Motel on April 3 & 4, 1968.[45] During Kyles’ testimony he tried to cover-up his registering of room 312. Clearly the room wasn’t for A.D. [Read Dexter King’s memoir to learn about A.D. King’s mysterious death.][46] Why would Kyles register for a room for two days not knowing if anyone would need the room? I will propose this as a possible scenario. There is still a controversy dealing with Dr. King’s room being moved from a secure lower level location to the balcony. If Dr. King did stay in a room on the lower level could room 312 been another option to have Dr. King on the balcony for his assassination? I suggest this as a possible option. Room 312 could have been used for other reasons but I would not be surprised if it was an additional option to have Dr. King exposed on the balcony.
There is another important issue surrounding Billy Kyles. There is controversy as to whether Kyles requested MPD Inspector Sam Evans to remove TACT 10 units away from the Lorraine Motel the day before Dr. King was assassinated [emphasis in bold by Marcus 3X]:[47]
In respect of the removal of the TACT 10 unit from the vicinity of the Lorraine, the official position has always been that they were removed at the request of an unnamed member of Dr. King’s party. Posner repeats this position. Had he heard the testimony of Professor Phillip Melanson in the civil action or read either Melanson’s or my writing on this issue, he would have learned that Inspector Sam Evans told both of us on separate occasions that it was Reverend Kyles – whom he said he knew very well – who requested the pullback. Neither Melanson nor I believed Evans. Kyles, first of all, was not a member of the King party. He had no connection to or position in SCLC. He was a local preacher with no authority to request anything on behalf of the King group. But, if Posner had been aware of Sam Evan’s claim, then he could have asked Kyles about it. In the past, Kyles has denied making any such request and doubtless he would have done so on this occasion. In this instance, he would have been telling the truth.
William Pepper believes that Billy Kyles could not have made the request to MPD Inspector Sam Evans because he did not have a connection with SCLC. Even though Kyles had no connection to SCLC doesn’t mean that Kyles could not have made the request. Pepper mentions Kyles not being a member of SCLC but doesn’t take into consideration of Kyles being a MPD informant.[48] It would be more believable to me that the request was given and followed up by Evans from a MPD informant instead of a member of SCLC. Clearly there is enough evidence to suggest that Kyles was involved in wrongdoing moments prior to Dr. King’s assassination.
Around the same time Billy Kyles knocks on Dr. King’s door the Invaders are leaving their rooms located south of Dr. King’s room at the request of Jesse Jackson.[49] So, we have potential return gunfire and prevention of false pointing from the Invaders removed from the south of Dr. King’s room at the request of Jesse while Kyles coming from the north knocks on Dr. King’s door to get him out on the balcony. After Kyles knocks on Dr. King’s door he makes sure that he is nowhere close to Dr. King’s room by standing further down the balcony on the north end. When Dr. King comes out of his room Jesse CRIES OUT to Dr. King that freezes him. Shortly after being frozen on the balcony Dr. King is assassinated. The timing of both events by Jesse and Kyles speaks for itself.
Marty is a Liar!"The most dangerous criminal may be the man gifted with reason, but with no morals."
- Martin Luther King, Jr.
            The August 26, 2003, issue of the Final Call had one of the biggest retractions ever published in a newspaper. Never in my entire life have I read a retraction that covered the entire front page of any newspaper. Usually when there is a retraction in a publication it is usually small in size located somewhere inside of the publication. The top of the front page of the Final Call read, “Final Call retracts allegations attributed to King family accusing Rev. Jackson & Rev. Kyles, citing reporter’s lack of fact or proof.” The main body of the front page read, “Martin Luther King III denies that King family accused Rev. Jesse Jackson & Rev. Billy Kyles.” I have a problem with those statements. Both of those statements are FALSE! There is more than enough evidence to prove both statements as being FALSE! I lost some respect for the Final Call for printing two false statements on their front page as retractions. I have absolutely no respect for Martin Luther King III for saying, “My family has never accused Rev. Jesse Jackson and Rev. Billy Kyles of complicity in the murder of Martin Luther King Jr.”[50] I am sure Marty’s father is turning over in his grave because of his son’s lie.

The King family meeting with former President Clinton and members of his staff to about having an investigation into Dr. King’s assassination.
            The King family initially went to former President Clinton to have a truth and reconciliation commission created to investigate Dr. King’s assassination. The commission would have subpoena power and the ability to grant immunity from prosecution in exchange for the truth.[51] Former President Clinton did not have a commission created so he had the Department of Justice (DOJ) deal with the King family’s allegations. On April 8, 1998, Dexter King, Reverend Walter Fauntroy, Coretta King, and former UN Ambassador/Trilateral Commission flunky Andrew Young met with former U.S. Attorney General Janet Reno and asked for a federal investigation into Dr. King’s assassination. The King family eventually were able to have the DOJ to conduct a “limited investigation” on new evidence and allegations.
            The following year the King family with William Pepper, as their trial counsel, filed a wrongful death, civil suit against Loyd Jowers & Other Unknown Co-Conspirators (case number 97242-4 T.D.).[52] Asking for only $100 in damages the King family were more concerned with having evidence and testimony submitted into court records instead of getting money. The trial started on November 15, 1999, and concluded on December 8, 1999. On December 2, 1999, Billy Kyles was cross-examined by the King family’s legal team with Yolanda King watching. During Kyles’ cross-examination by the King family’s legal team Kyles was questioned over his claim to be in Dr. King’s room during Dr. King’s final hours, a statement made by Kyles during a speech on the 30th anniversary of Dr. King’s assassination, and Kyles’ claim of retired MPD Captain Willie Richmond being dead.[53] Clearly the King family’s legal team made Kyles appear suspicious. I wonder why the King family did not have Jesse Jackson testify at the trial.
            Also during the trial on November 16, 1999, the King family’s legal team had Coby Smith and Charles Cabbage of the Invaders (Black Organizing Project) testify about the Invaders sudden removal from the Lorraine Motel moments before Dr. King’s assassination.[54] During Cabbage’s questioning by the King family’s legal team, he stated with uncertainty that nobody asked the maid who gave her the instructions to have the Invaders leave the Lorraine Motel. This of course contradicts statements made by fellow Invaders Charles Ballard and Charles Harrington, who stated that the maid said the order came from Jesse Jackson.[55] Cabbage did state during his testimony that Reverend James Orange told him that the Invaders’ evacuation came from Jesse Jackson.
            After closing arguments a verdict in favor of the King family was given by the jury. The jury found Loyd Jowers and others including governmental agencies guilty. The guilty verdict received little mainstream media attention. The lack of mainstream media attention is only one example of many that shows how controlled/biased the mainstream media is towards crimes committed by the U.S. government. Every year around time of Dr. King’s birthday and assassination you will see the mainstream media promoting these events and talk about how great a man Dr. King was. But when it comes to issues involving those who killed Dr. King the mainstream media doesn’t mention anything. The mainstream media is controlled by the same individuals within the U.S. government that aided in Dr. King’s assassination. Compare the amount of media attention given to Jesse’s bloody shirt lie to that of the guilty verdict from the King v. Jowers trial.
            Approximately five months after the King v. Jowers trial the DOJ completed their “limited investigation” on Dr. King’s assassination and released a report on their findings.[56] This report was the end result of the King family asking former President Clinton to form a truth and reconciliation commission on Dr. King’s assassination. If the King family doesn’t go to the U.S. government asking for any investigation into Dr. King’s assassination there is no DOJ report. Dexter King had this to say about the June 2000 DOJ report on Dr. King’s assassination [emphasis in bold by Marcus 3X]:[57]The Justice Department’s report on the new evidence we brought to them from Jowers and Donald Wilson, a former FBI agent who had found documents in Ray’s car that had the phone numbers of Ray’s handler, Raul, and for the Atlanta office of the FBI, came in after the trial. My hope was they wouldn’t whitewash and attempt to discredit the whole trial, but I thought that was probably what would happen, and it did.
            Clearly in the first sentence Dexter King identifies the King family as being the source that presented the evidence to DOJ that is responded to in the June 2000 report. In the last sentence Dexter confirms that some of the evidence and allegations in the June 2000 report came from the King v. Jowers trial. Jesse Jackson also confirmed on his website that the June 2000 DOJ report was produced to satisfy the King family’s request. In Jesse’s statement he gives the readers the impression that only the U.S. government was investigated when he in fact he was investigated also. Jesse knows that the King family had him investigated by the DOJ but makes no mention of it [emphasis in bold by Marcus 3X]:[58]
In response to today’s release of a report by the Department of Justice stating that it found no evidence of U.S. government involvement in Dr. Martin Luther King’s assassination, the Reverend Jesse Jackson issued the following statement:
We do not believe the findings included in this report. James Earl Ray perhaps shot King alone, but he did not act alone. James Earl Ray did not have the money, the mobility, or the motivation to carry out this act on his own.
…This finding is designed to satisfy the request of Dr. King’s family for an investigation, but it was neither independent enough, nor well-funded enough, to provide any new information. Be assured that the American people will not rest until the truth, no matter where it leads, is finally revealed.
            Martin Luther King III and the Final Call wants everyone to believe that the King family never accused Jesse Jackson and Billy Kyles of complicity in Dr. King’s assassination. Let’s see what the June 2000 DOJ report says about that [emphasis in bold by Marcus 3X]:[59]
This investigation was not initiated to consider every allegation and all speculation about the assassination of Dr. King. Rather, the Attorney General specifically limited the scope of the investigation to Jowers' and Wilson's recent allegations and logical leads resulting therefrom. We respected the limits of our mandate, but at various times also considered whether it should be broadened.
During our investigation, various private parties presented allegations unrelated to those made by Jowers and Wilson. For example, Dr. Pepper and Dexter King, Dr. King's son, advised us of their view, which was also advocated during King v. Jowers, that the federal government and the United States military, as well as certain African American ministers closely associated with Dr. King, were involved in the assassination. As discussed in Section VII, we analyzed these conspiracy allegations and found they were unsupported by sufficiently credible evidence to warrant further investigation. Likewise, none of the allegations we received from other private parties were sufficiently substantiated to justify investigation.
            This excerpt from the June 2000 DOJ report CLEARLY states that allegations against certain African American ministers closely associated with Dr. King came from William Pepper, Dexter King, and the King v. Jowers trial. Remember that during the King v. Jowers trial the plaintiffs were the King family.[60] Let’s see who the alleged African American ministers are in Section VII of the report [emphasis in bold by Marcus 3X]:[61]
In November 1999, trial commenced in King v. Jowers, a wrongful death civil action filed by Dr. Pepper on behalf of Dr. King's wife and children. Jowers was the only defendant and thus the only other party to the lawsuit. At the conclusion of the nearly four week trial, the jury adopted a verdict offered by the parties finding that Jowers and "others, including government agencies" participated in a conspiracy to assassinate Dr. King.
…Nonetheless, we examined the trial evidence relating to these far-ranging conspiracy claims. We found that it was both contradictory and based on uncorroborated secondhand and thirdhand hearsay accounts. Nor did we find any credible, concrete facts to substantiate any of the conspiracy allegations. Because there was no reliable evidence presented at trial relating to a conspiracy to assassinate Dr. King involving either Jowers, the government, African American ministers, or anyone else, and because we know of no information to support such allegations, we find no justification for further investigation.
To explain our conclusion, we have summarized the trial evidence relating the purported conspiracies and analyzed that evidence in view of the results of our investigation and other relevant information that was not presented in King v. Jowers.
…Dr. Pepper also introduced evidence during the trial to suggest that two African American ministers, who were associates of Dr. King, conspired to kill him. Testimony was presented to imply that Dr. King's associates facilitated the assassination by luring Dr. King to the Lorraine Motel where he had never stayed, changing his room assignment from an interior to an exposed balcony room, dismissing a portion of his security, leading him to the balcony at exactly 6:00 p.m., and leaving him alone and exposed to allow the assassin an unobstructed shot.
…Evidence was also presented to suggest a plot to facilitate the removal of Dr. King's security. We discussed most of this trial evidence, along with other related information not presented in the trial, when we considered general accusations that security was removed in Section IV.D.2.b. (1) above. However, two additional pieces of evidence were presented in King v. Jowers in an effort to suggest that Dr. King's associates assisted the alleged plot to remove his security.
Philip Mellanson, a professor and author, testified that Memphis Police Inspector Sam Evans, now deceased, told him that he ordered tactical units away from the Lorraine at the request of a specific "Memphis Minister" associated with Dr. King, whom he named.(89) In addition, other witnesses testified about their belief that the eviction of the Invaders, a group of young Memphis, African American activists, from their room at the Lorraine minutes before the shooting facilitated the assassination. One former Invader, Charles Cabbage, testified that he was told that another minister, the "SCLC Minister," a ranking member of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, ordered that his group be immediately ejected.
We found nothing to support Mellanson's hearsay account that the "Memphis Minister" was the specific source of the request to remove tactical units. When we interviewed the "Memphis Minister," he denied ever making such a request. Moreover, the fact that TACT Unit 10 remained in the vicinity across the street at the fire station undermines the inference that the "Memphis Minister" conspired with law enforcement. See Section IV.D.2.b. (1)(a)above.
Likewise, nothing supports a conclusion that the eviction of the Invaders from the Lorraine, allegedly at the direction of the "SCLC Minister," is related to the assassination. We found no evidence that the Invaders had anything to do with Dr. King's security. Rather, according to associates of Dr. King and former Memphis police officers, the Invaders were young, African American activists who were attempting to associate with Dr. King. Accordingly, even if the Invaders were evicted from the Lorraine by the "SCLC Minister" or some other SCLC staff person, such action would not have diminished Dr. King's security.
Moreover, Charles Cabbage's recent trial testimony is inconsistent with his testimony to the HSCA. Twenty years ago, Cabbage testified that did not recollect the specific sequence of events leading to the Invaders' departure from the Lorraine but that they decided to leave on their own because the SCLC would not pay their room bill. Cabbage told the HSCA that "one of the [SCLC] staffers," whose name he did not provide, somehow advised him that "they [the SCLC] were no longer going to pay for the room, and we [the Invaders] were already overdue and that left no alternative but for us to check out."
Cabbage's recent testimony is also uncorroborated and contrary to the recollections of others. Significantly, in Cabbage's recent testimony in King v. Jowers, he claimed that it was Reverend James Orange who evicted the Invaders, telling him that the "SCLC Minister" wanted them to leave immediately. When we spoke with Orange after the trial, he told us he did not recall receiving that instruction from the "SCLC Minister" or anyone else. Also, when we interviewed the "SCLC Minister," a friend and associate of Dr. King's, who has led a life of public service, he denied the accusation and claimed that he did not recall that the Invaders were even staying at the Lorraine. We are aware of nothing to contradict his denial. Accordingly, the record does not support the inference presented at trial that African American ministers associated with Dr. King facilitated the assassination by removing his security.
During the trial, the "Memphis Minister" was also called as a witness and questioned so as to create the impression that he had deliberately lured Dr. King to the balcony of the Lorraine at precisely 6:00 p.m. and left him exposed and alone so that he could be shot. This claim is consistent with the view expressed to us by Dr. Pepper and Dexter King prior to trial. To support this contention, the plaintiffs' attorney questioned the "Memphis Minister" regarding his conduct before the shooting and confronted him with words from his speech at ceremonies commemorating an anniversary of the assassination. In the speech, as he described the events of the assassination, the "Memphis Minister" recounted that just before the shot he "moved away [from Dr. King] so he [the assassin] could have a clear shot."
According to a number of witnesses interviewed by our investigation and previous investigations, Dr. King walked out of Room 306 onto the balcony of the Lorraine just before 6:00 p.m. in the company of the "Memphis Minister."Dr. King conversed with several of his other associates, who were assembled in the parking lot below as they all were preparing to go to dinner. When the "Memphis Minister" walked a few steps away from Dr. King, the assassin fired. As discussed in Section IV.D.1.a.(1) above, we determined that Dr. King's appearance on the balcony at 6:00 p.m. for a 5:00 p.m. dinner engagement could not have been anticipated with enough certainty to plan the time of the assassination.
The notion that the "Memphis Minister" was involved in the assassination and inadvertently revealed his participation during a public speech is far-fetched. The minister's comment, "I moved away so he could have a clear shot,"considered in the context of his speech, appears nothing more than an inartful attempt to explain the sequence of events and the fact that Dr. King was shot when he moved away from the speaker's side. It hardly amounts to an inadvertent confession.
In any event, we are aware of no information to support the accusation that the "Memphis Minister" led Dr. King to the balcony and moved away to allow the assassin to shoot. We confronted the "Memphis Minister" with the accusation and he denied it. We are also aware of nothing that would have motivated him to assist a conspiracy to murder a friend and associate, while his public life demonstrates his integrity and dedication to non-violence.
            This excerpt also identifies the source of the allegations against certain African American ministers came from the King family and William Pepper, the King family’s trial counsel. The DOJ report used code names to conceal the identities of Jesse Jackson as the “SCLC Minister” and Billy Kyles as the “Memphis Minister.” The DOJ report “cleared” Kyles as being the source for the TACT 10 removal from the Lorraine Motel and luring Dr. King onto the balcony. The DOJ apparently didn’t take into consideration that Kyles was identified as a MPD informant making him more credible of a source to have the TACT 10 units removed from the Lorraine Motel. The DOJ suggested that the removal of the TACT 10 units from the Lorraine Motel to a fire station, located across the street, wasn’t a big issue since they were still in close proximity. It is a big issue considering that the TACT 10 units would have been in a better position to identify the exact position of the assassin if they were not part of the plot to assassinate Dr. King. Lastly, the DOJ admitted that Dexter King told them that he felt that Kyles lured his father on the balcony to be assassinated. The DOJ concluded in their investigation that Kyles came unto the balcony with Dr. King from 306 and then stepped away from Dr. King moments before the assassination. That story contradicts eyewitness testimony by Ralph Abernathy and retired MPD Captain Willie Richmond. Both men stated that Kyles was never in Dr. King’s room. The DOJ report doesn’t mention Willie, who testified as a witness on behalf of the King family at the King v. Jowers trial. I believe they made no mention of Willie’s testimony in the report because it shows without any questions that Kyles was NOT in Dr. King’s room during that final hour. Check out Willie’s testimony during cross-examination by the King family’s legal counsel, William Pepper [emphasis in bold by Marcus 3X]:[62]
…Q. Now, when Dr. King arrived in the city for that last visit, were you at the airport?
A. I was.
Q. Did you have a conversation with anyone connected with either his group or with the local clergy having to do with security or protection for him on that last visit? A. I didn't, but my partner did.
Q. Your partner did. Were you present when that conversation was taking place?
A. I was there.
Q. And with whom was the conversation?
A. I believe he spoke with Reverend Kyles.Q. Reverend Samuel Kyles? A. Right.
Q. And what was the gist of the conversation with respect to security protection for Dr. King?
A. At that time we was told that Dr. King hadn't wanted any police protection. Q. You were told that Dr. King didn't want any protection.A. Police protection.
Q. Any police protection. And this was told to you in this conversation by Reverend Kyles? A. I think it was Reverend Kyles. I'm not sure, but I believe it was Reverend Kyles. He was the one that said it I believe.Q. He was the one who said it you believe?
A. Uh-huh.
Q. Were you familiar with what position Reverend Kyles held in Dr. King's organization? A. No, I was not.
Q. And you didn't know he held no position in Dr. King's organization?A. I did not.
Q. If you'll move on to page 3 of your statement, Captain Richmond, about two-thirds of the way down the page, do you notice your note? And I'll read it. "At 2:05 p.m. Reverend Samuel Kyles arrived and went to room 307 and departed at 2:23 p.m." You see that note?
A. Yes.
Q. Do you know who was in room 307 at that time?
A. Well, at that time, no, I did not.
Q. Let's move on to page 4, please.
A. (Witness complies.)
Q. The first full paragraph. Would you read the first full paragraph starting at "at approximately 5:50 p.m." to us, please?
A. Okay. It says, "Approximately 5:50 p.m., John Smith, Milton Max, Charles Cabbage and one female colored and approximately six or seven more of the Invaders opened the door of their rooms, and I could see them gathering their belongings. They then brought them down the stairs and placed them in the trunk of a light blue Mustang, license number BL 3750, and they left the motel. They was going west on Butler to Main."
Q. If I could just interrupt you there. So at 5:50 p.m., your eye witness recording sees the Invaders just bustling out of -- hustling out of that motel, leaving the hotel? A. They left.
Q. And that's within 11 minutes of the shooting?
A. Approximately.
Q. Would you continue reading the next paragraph, please?
A. "Immediately after the Invaders left, the Reverend Samuel Kyles came out of room 312 and went to the room where Martin Luther King was living. He knocked on the door and Martin Luther King came to the door. They said a few words between each other and Reverend Martin Luther King went back into his room closing the door behind him, and the Reverend Samuel Kyles remained on the porch." Q. Right. So you're telling us there from your eye witness report that Reverend Kyles knocked on Martin Luther King's door at about ten minutes to six or shortly after ten minutes to six, said a few words to Dr. King after he opened the door. Then when the door was closed, Dr. King went back into his room and Reverend Kyles remained on the -- you call it the porch, but on the balcony? A. The balcony.
Q. Now, a little further down in the next paragraph, you record Martin Luther King coming out onto the balcony. Do you see that reference there? And if you could read from the words "at this time the Reverend Martin Luther King returned. " Do you see that?
A. I see it.
Q. Would you read that note, please? Middle of the next paragraph.
A. Okay. "At this time Reverend Martin Luther King returned from his room to the gallery and walked up to the handrail. The Reverend Kyles was standing off to his right. This was approximately 6 p.m. At this time I heard a loud sound as if it was a shot and saw Doctor Martin Luther King fall back on the handrail and put his hand up to his head. …Q. Nowhere in these notes do you record Reverend Kyles going into Reverend King's room 45 minutes, an hour before the shooting, do you?A. No, I don't. Q. And if he had done so, is it fair to say that you would have recorded this entry?
A. I recorded pretty much everything that went on. I don't have my notebook now, but we carried little small notebooks.
Q. Right.
A. And I wrote everything down as I saw it.
Q. As you saw it?
A. As I saw it.
Q. That was your duty.
A. Correct.
Willie Richmond’s testimony proves that Billy Kyles was interested in Dr. King not having any police security on the same day MPD Inspector Sam Evans claimed to receive orders to move the TACT 10 units from the Lorraine Motel by Kyles. William Pepper stated in his two books on Dr. King’s assassination that he did not believe Kyles gave Sam instructions to remove TACT 10 units from the Lorraine Motel because he had no position within SCLC. Considering that Kyles was identified as a MPD informant as well as telling Willie and his partner that Dr. King did not want police protection on April 3, 1968, makes me believe that Sam was telling the truth. Now you see why the DOJ report did not attempt to discredit Willie’s testimony.
            As far as Jesse Jackson is concerned the DOJ report “cleared” Jesse as being the source for the Invaders sudden evacuation by attacking Charles Cabbage’s testimony at the King v. Jowers trial. As I stated earlier Cabbage’s testimony concerning whether or not Jesse was the source of their removal appeared questionable. Using Cabbage’s questionable testimony allowed the DOJ to “clear” Jesse of any wrongdoing. The primary sources for Jesse being the one to give the orders to the maid for the Invaders evacuation was Charles Harrington and Charles Ballard not Cabbage. The DOJ report goes on to say that the Invaders were not part of Dr. King’s security and that their removal from the Lorraine Motel did not diminish Dr. King’s security. The DOJ report did not mention that the Invaders were armed thus making them having the potential to return gunfire at the assassin. To suggest that the armed Invaders served as no security to Dr. King is absurd. If the Invaders were on the balcony they would have been in a position to return gunfire and prevent the false pointing initiated by MPD informant Marrell McCollough to the rooming house.
            When Jesse Jackson was interviewed by the DOJ he told them that he did not have anything to do with the Invaders’ evacuation and did not remember that they were staying at the Lorraine Motel. The DOJ followed up by stating that they were not aware of nothing to contradict Jesse’s claim. I have BREAKING NEWS. In my possession I have two separate declassified FBI files with the United States Department of Justice at the top stating that Jesse met with the Invaders on April 2 and 3, 1968. The first FBI file dated April 5, 1968, states the following [emphasis in bold by Marcus 3X]:[63]
…According to Lieutenant Arkin’s source, another group involving the BOP met at the Lorraine Motel at 9 p.m. on the night of April 2, 1968, with all of the abovementioned individuals present, including Jesse Jackson who is in charge of “Operation Breadbasket, North” of the SCLC. Here the BOP group headed by complained that Reverend James Morris Lawson, Jr., pastor of the Centenary Methodist Church, Memphis, who had been their main liaison with the COME and the strike support group, was ineffectual as Cabbage said “All he deal in is theory. He is not a guy for strategy and action and is inadequate for our program.”
…This source stated that Reverend Jesse Jackson said that he was present to ascertain who BOP wanted to sponsor them in the future or be their liaison and they all agreed that Reverend S.B. Kyles of the Monumental Baptist Church would be a good man.
This FBI file proves that Jesse Jackson lied when he stated he did not know that the Invaders (BOP) was staying at the Lorraine Motel. Jesse met with the Invaders and played a key role of assigning MPD informant Billy Kyles as their new liaison. You can see how Jesse and Kyles positioned themselves to be instrumental in Dr. King’s assassination. Another declassified FBI file also states that Jesse met with the Invaders on April 3, 1968 [emphasis in bold by Marcus 3X]:[64]
…Lieutenant Arkin’s source also reported that at the Lorraine Hotel on April 3, 1968, John Burrell Smith and Charles Cabbage, along with other BOP personnel, personally met with Dr. King and his staff;…Lieutenant Arkin’s source further stated that at about 4 p.m., April 3, 1968, King met with the BOP group and that among those meeting were Martin Luther King, Jr., John Burrell Smith, Charles Cabbage, and one Oree McKenzie, a young Negro male. Also at the meeting were Edwina Harrell and a young man called Phil. Jesse Jackson, Hosea Williams, and Andrew J. Young all of the SCLC staff were also at the meeting.
Why did Jesse Jackson lie to the DOJ when he stated that he did not recall the Invaders staying at the Lorraine Motel? Why didn’t the DOJ pick up on Jesse’s lie when their files state that Jesse met with the Invaders on April 2 and 3, 1968, at the Lorraine Motel? In the DOJ report you will notice that Jesse is looked upon as a Good Samaritan when they described him as someone that has led a life of public service. By the DOJ saying that about Jesse they are suggesting that his character doesn’t fit the profile of someone that would conspire to have Dr. King assassinated. It is obvious that Jesse and the DOJ are working together. The DOJ report is a joke. The DOJ is part of the same network that had Dr. King assassinated. Nobody should have expected any truth in the report.
            I personally believe Jesse Jackson and Billy Kyles were involved in Dr. King’s assassination. Their activities/movements/constant lying surrounding the event and failure to address the allegations publicly makes me suspicious of them. If I was Dr. King’s friend and allegations came out against me I would go out my to discredit all allegations publicly. There would be no doubt in anyone’s mind about me being involved in any wrongdoing. Jesse and Kyles are making the right move by not addressing these allegations publicly. They will never address these allegations publicly because they know what they did was wrong.
            I am totally disgusted with Martin Luther King III. If anything he showed his weakness dealing with the pressures that comes with exposing the truth. He knows that his family believes Jesse Jackson and Billy Kyles were involved in Dr. King’s assassination. If Dr. King were my father I wouldn’t rest until the murderers of my father were brought to justice. Even if some of the alleged conspirators were highly respected individuals within the black community I would still put pressure on them publicly. This is too serious of an issue to run away from. You have to stand up like a man and deal with the truth. Marty is a punk and I don’t care what anyone says. I have the video of the SCLC panel discussion on Dr. King’s assassination that was held on August 4, 2003, in Memphis, Tennessee. The panel consisted of Martin Luther King III, Steve Cokely, William Pepper, Dick Gregory, Eric Muhammad, and others. During the panel discussion Jesse and Kyles were talked about more than anyone else. Get the video and you will see Marty & Bernice King state that everything said during the panel discussion was the truth.[65] Marty played a role in getting Steve to participate in the panel discussion. If Marty did not believe that Jesse and Kyles were not involved in his father’s death why would he have Steve participate in the panel discussion? Marty is familiar with Steve’s research. If he didn’t agree with Steve’s research he would have never had Steve there. The June 2000 DOJ report proves Marty is a liar! The video of the SCLC panel discussion on Dr. King’s assassination proves Marty is a liar! The trial transcripts found on the King family’s website proves Marty is a Liar![66] Marty, you are a fat punk that needs his ass whipped. According to your brother you are the WORLD’S FOREMOST TATTLETALE.[67] Your weakness cleared any suspicions a lot of people may have had about Jesse and Kyles.
            I really don’t know what to make of the Final Call. To have two lies on the front page as retractions is not good. To say that the reporter lacked fact or proof let’s me know that the Final Call staff did not check to see if there was any supporting evidence or they intentionally ignored the evidence. I believe that they intentionally ignored the evidence. To satisfy Jesse Jackson and others the Final Call retracted the Dr. King assassination story and sacrificed James Muhammad and Eric Muhammad. Those two men worked too hard for the newspaper to be sacrificed because of one “incorrectly” written sentence. Their departure from the newspaper is deeper than the official story. If Donna Muhammad was a co-author of the story that caused so much controversy why is there no mention of her anywhere? I believe there is a lot of politics going on behind the scenes between Minister Farrakhan, the King family, and Jesse. If I mailed the Final Call all of the evidence I have proving that the King family did allege Jesse and Billy Kyles of complicity in Dr. King’s assassination do you think they would retract the retraction? No! Let’s see what Jesse and Akbar Muhammad had to say about the controversy [emphasis in bold by Marcus 3X]:[68]
…In an interview with the NNPA News Service, Jackson said: "I don't want to respond because there's nothing to respond to. I don't know why they did what they did, but I am glad Farrakhan and Leonard (Muhammad, the Nation of Islam's chief of staff), when they saw it, knew that it was wrong and they retracted it. That's good enough."
"We have to build relationships, we have to deal with people in public life and the minister was a victim of the very same thing himself in the case of Malcolm X," said Akbar Muhammad, the minister's long-time assistant and now his international representative, based in Ghana. "And for our newspaper to follow in the footsteps of those who wanted to make him the enemy of the Black community by accusing him of being involved in the assassination of Malcolm and then we turn around and allow our paper to do the same thing to one of our brothers was unacceptable."Once again you see Jesse Jackson refusing to respond to allegations of him being involved in Dr. King’s assassination. He will never respond to the allegations because he knows that they are true and the King family are suspicious of him. The DOJ would have never questioned Jesse if the King family would not have brought the allegations to their attention. Akbar Muhammad is correct about building relationships but we can’t have relationships with individuals that conspired to have one of our greatest leaders killed. You (Akbar) can’t ignore the evidence. At least Minister Farrakhan has addressed the allegations against him publicly in regards to Malcolm X’s assassination. Jesse won’t address the allegations against him publicly. Jesse is an enemy of the Black community and the Final Call did the right thing by exposing him in the original Dr. King assassination article. There is absolutely nothing wrong with exposing a conspirator of murder with the FACTS! I am happy to know that there are magazines like Frontline and Da Ghetto Tymz that won’t compromise the truth. I would highly recommend people get all video lectures on Dr. King’s assassination by Corey Johnson ( and Steve Cokely ( They have the best research on the subject. Thanks for reading and continue to support independent news outlets. 

[1] SCLC Returns to Memphis by Eric Ture Muhammad and Donna Muhammad, The Final Call, August 19, 2003
[2] Ibid, page 31
[3] Random House Webster’s Dictionary: Third Edition (ISBN 034540095X)
[5] Farrakhan Paper Retracts King Story by Steve Miller, The Washington Times, August 27, 2003
[7] Go to and click on the link News & Information. On the next page click on the link Trial Transcripts.  Once on this page read the testimony of Philip Melanson and Charles Cabbage. Also on the same page read the link at the bottom The Trial from William Pepper’s An Act of State.[8] Bearing the Cross by David Garrow, pages 584-586
[9] Jesse by Marshall Frady, page 225
[10] Bearing the Cross by David Garrow, page 618
[11] Ibid, page 622
[12] Orders to Kill by William Pepper, pages 256-257
[13] Ibid, page 158
[14] An Act of State by William Pepper, pages 109-110
[15] Jesse by Marshall Frady, page 226
[16] Jesse Jackson by Barbara Reynolds, pages 84-85
[17] Orders to Kill by William Pepper, page 476
[18] Jesse by Marshall Frady, pages 226-227
[19] Jesse Jackson by Barbara Reynolds, page 87
[20] Orders to Kill by William Pepper, page 245
[21] An Act of State by William Pepper, page 160
[22] Growing Up King by Dexter King, page 48
[23] Jesse Jackson by Barbara Reynolds, page 89
[24] Jesse by Marshall Frady, pages 226-227
[25] Jesse Jackson by Barbara Reynolds, page 89
[26] Shakedown: Exposing the Real Jesse Jackson by Kenneth Timmerman, page 7
[27] Jesse by Marshall Frady, page 230
[28] Jesse Jackson by Barbara Reynolds, page 91
[29] Shakedown: Exposing the Real Jesse Jackson by Kenneth Timmerman, page 6
[30] Jesse Jackson by Barbara Reynolds, page 82
[31] Ibid. page 95
[32] Ibid. pages 96-97
[33] Ibid. page 100
[34] Orders to Kill by William Pepper, pages 391-392
[35] Ibid. pages 26-27
[36] Ibid. page 158
[37] Ibid. page 159
[38] An Act of State by William Pepper, page 110
[40] An Act of State by William Pepper, page 110
[41] And the Walls Came Tumbling Down by Ralph Abernathy, page 440
[42] Orders to Kill by William Pepper, page 476
[43] Bearing the Cross by David Garrow, page 623
[44] Orders to Kill by William Pepper, page 281
[45] Ibid, page 273
[46] Growing Up King by Dexter King, pages 74-75
[47] An Act of State by William Pepper, page 191-192
[48] Orders to Kill by William Pepper, page 391-392
[49] An Act of State by William Pepper, page 110
[50] Aug. 23 march will salute historic 1963 gathering; King III says his family never implied that Jackson, Kyles complicit in assassinationThe Final Call, August 26, 2003, page 3
[51] Growing Up King by Dexter King, pages 276
[53] An Act of State by William Pepper, page 141-142
[55] Orders to Kill by William Pepper, page 256
[57] Growing Up King by Dexter King, pages 285
[63] United States Department of Justice, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Memphis, Tennessee, Sanitation Workers Strike, Memphis Tennessee, Racial Matters, dated April 5, 1968, pages 5-6, #157-1092-273 [Centers of the Southern Struggle: FBI Files on Montgomery, Albany, St. Augustine, Selma, and Memphis edited by David Garrow, University Publications of America, 44 North Market Street, Frederick, Maryland 21701]
[64] United States Department of Justice, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Memphis, Tennessee, Sanitation Workers Strike, Memphis Tennessee, Racial Matters, dated April 6, 1968, pages 8-9, #157-1092-275 [Centers of the Southern Struggle: FBI Files on Montgomery, Albany, St. Augustine, Selma, and Memphis edited by David Garrow, University Publications of America, 44 North Market Street, Frederick, Maryland 21701]
[65] or
[67] Growing Up King by Dexter King, pages 8-9
[68] Final Call Editor Loses Job Over Jesse Jackson Flap by George Curry,, August 25, 03

How was that? Ever read anything like that? Didn't think so.

I finally have transcribed one of my greatest pieces, now titled: Who Controls U.S. Policy?

Trump starts believing the asshattery his circle is spreading like manure:

I'm considering it trolling...but it could be due to a surfeit of diet drinks. Aspartame was originally a chemical weapon.

I purposefully included whom John Ward terms WORST JOURNALIST OF THE YEAR, Don LemonHEAD, as he is being sued for an incident which occurred more than a year ago in the Hamptons:

I know guys in the Hamptons...and I didn't hear a peep. So much for NO ONE EVER BEING ABLE TO KEEP A SECRET.

I'm gonna bust some balls now...but I'm pretty sure I won't get two BALL-SCENTED FINGERS jammed up into my nose for my troubles.

Almost forgot - enjoy my Periscope!