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Sunday, July 17, 2016

AAE tv | Trace Amounts | The Truth About Mercury And Vaccines | Eric Gladen | 9.12.1

Thanks to Robert De Niro for starting all this!

Published on Sep 14, 2015 In this episode of Awake And Empowered TV (The Truth About Mercury And Vaccines) , Ethann Fox is joined by documentary filmmaker and researcher, Eric Gladen. Ethann and Eric discuss his new film “Trace Amounts”, and the international tour and campaign for vaccine reform. In this conversation, they talk about the scientific research conducted into the effects of mercury and Thiomersal on the human body and brain, as well as the evidence that it is the leading cause of Autism. Ethann and Eric go on to talk about the mandatory vaccination law that is scheduled to go into effect in California in 2016, and how parents and schools are responding to this requirement. Other topics include various treatments for Autism that have shown promise, and how to detoxify mercury and other heavy metals from the body and brain. 
Eric Gladen of Trace Amounts 
About Eric Gladen - Trace Amounts is the first film by director Eric Gladen. After years of battling illness, Eric Gladen decided to leave the life he knew behind and focus his efforts on researching autism. After more than a decade of analysis, interviews, and traveling, Eric is releasing a film that has not only affected his own life, but the lives of many others in our world today. Eric lives in California and currently manages the World Mercury Project, a non-profit organization which he founded. After recovering from a mysterious and devastating illness, director Eric Gladen started researching the science behind autoimmune diseases. His research led him straight into one of the biggest medical controversies of all time: whether or not childhood vaccines cause autism. However—his film is not an anti-vaccine film. He doesn’t concentrate on the vaccines themselves but on something that belongs nowhere near them; on mercury, part of the ingredients used as a preservative in vaccines. Eventually, Eric decided to quit his career, moving into an RV and traveling the country for years in order to interview experts and piece together thousands of studies and leaked documents. When the puzzle was finally complete, the answer was very clear to him. He believes that mercury is the trigger for psychological and neurological autoimmune conditions and autism. His film presents interviews with specialists in the field, as well as specific scientific research and experiments that show how dangerous mercury is. At the very least, his documentary creates a platform for open dialogue for all aspects of this issue, for or against, in hopes of enlightening the public.

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