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Wednesday, January 22, 2020


That's the watchword for this year, folks.

I'm giving credit to Larry Richardson, to B. J. Edwards, to Roger Anghis and to Mark Trump for this one.

A quick word from Mike Adams:
Natural News is under severe cyber warfare attack. New posts delayed... recent posts being functionality severely compromised... coordinated censorship striking NaturalNews, Judicial Watch, Right Side and other indy media... check back for updates. Pray for us all. - Mike wit: things are about to come to a head. Purportedly, there is irrefutable information about to hit the mainstream airwaves that cannot be suborned; information which should have you all cleaning out your local hardware stores.

Do you have the stomach to watch as traitors are executed?

If you allow crimes to be unpunished, it only emboldens criminals to commit more horrific crimes; after all, why not? If there are no penalties, only a sucker wouldn't take a bag of money freely offered.

Actions must have consequences. That is the order of reality.

Larry, B.J., Roger and Mark all came up with the idea that ol' "Blackface" Northam actually gained more than We The People did, in that they were able to arbitrarily label parts of the Capitol no-gun zones; of course, the former "watchdogs", now lapdogs, could not subvert the message of good people whom took advantage of a national holiday to come together and to profess their love for our great nation; if not for the fear mongering by said lapdogs, we could have had a Guns Across America moment.

And so I say - we have.

Let's go forth from this moment thinking about HOW WE WIN.

Let not an idle thought rest in your head; disprove it and move on to better things.

We are fighting back against lunacy:

Missouri lawmaker proposes bill crime public libraries' drag queen story hours
It would give parental review boards a veto on material deemed inappropriate, and librarians refusing to comply would be subject to fines or jail time.
I don't want to hear any nonsense - it's been proven beyond a doubt that there are CONVICTED CHILD MOLESTERS working under the "innocuous" cover of DQSH.

It's all coming to an end.

The Age of Stupidity choked on to death at a dinner party, as it would have been rude to disturb the dinner guests.

The Age of Reason is approaching - LOGOS only continues to rise.

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