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Monday, September 1, 2014

Who Needs RoundUp? Plant Hemp (R8 Re-Post)

Who Needs RoundUp? Plant Hemp

It has been made abundantly clear that Monsanto's RoundUp "pesticide" is nothing but a poison that NO LIVING THING can survive.
Amazingly, there has been a natural remedy available to everyone - it's called HEMP.
We'll speak more of this after this verbiage:
On every continent but Antarctica, there is renewed interest in growing hemp. One of the best authoratative books for growers is Dr. Ivan Bocsa and Michael Karus’ book entitled Cultivation of Hemp: Botany, Varieties, Cultivation, and Harvesting (Hemptech, 1998). Dr. Bocsa is an eminent Hungarian hemp seed breeder who has experimented with many hybrid varieties in searching for higher yields.
Hemp is a tall, vigorous annual whose surface is covered with top or glandular hairs that stand up in the beginning, but soon lie down. The hard stalk is hexagonally-shaped and its surface is often vertically ribbed, especially when the plants are widely spaced. The hemp plant produces more pollen than any other cultured plant and is often cross-pollinated by the wind, since pollen can travel long distances.
Currently available hemp seed has to be imported from a very limited selection of breeding programs in France, Hungary, the Netherlands, Ukraine, Russia, and Yugoslavia. As of 1996, the French may have inadvertently been given the monopoly because of EU regulations that specify a THC threshold of 0.3%.
One of the main reasons for this stems from an argument used by the US, who states that Europe subsidizes its hemp growers. Why this is a problem is not clear since the US subsidizes its own food and animal producers.
European hemp growers are subsidized because their governments realize that hemp is an important rotational crop necessary for a more sustainable agricultural and economic system, whereas, the US has not come to that realization as yet. Furthermore, they still put growing fiber- and food-hemp into the same category as marijuana. According to the DEA’s own figures, 95 to 98 percent of the Cannabis plants destroyed each year are hemp plants and not marijuana.


  • Hemp does not deplete the soil of nutrients, but rather nourishes it instead. From the USDA’s 1913 Yearbook: “Hemp cultivated for the production of fiber, cut before the seeds are formed, and retted on the land where it has been grown, tends to improve rather than injure the soil. It improves its physical condition, destroys weeds, and does not exhaust its fertility. Kentucky farmers commonly grew hemp in the same fields ten to fifteen years in a row, with the last year being just as productive as the initial one.”
  • Its deep root system prevents soil erosion. Approximately 6 pounds of topsoil washes away into rivers and oceans for every pound of food produced in the United States alone.
  • Hemp yields four times more fiber per acre than trees do. Although hemp can greatly reduce the need to cut down trees, it cannot replace forests. Both are needed. Forests worldwide are being cut down at a faster rate than they can regrow, including ancient forests whose gifts cannot be recovered.
  • Hemp absorbs heavy-metal contamination from the air and the soil and can help clean up both if hemp were allowed to be planted in the US. While certain toxic pesticides are banned in the US, they are still being sold to other countries by American companies. Then, these very same chemicals are returned to the American food supply on imports that have been sprayed with these banned chemicals.
  • With growth averaging 15 feet in 100 days, hemp provides its own mulch, shades out weeds, and reduces or eliminates the use of costly herbicides. After which, the field is virtually weed-free, nourished, and ready for the next crop. Because of this enrichment, farmers report an increase in yields and size of crops grown after a planting of hemp.
  • Hemp improves water quality of an area. Huge underground aquifers – the only source of fresh water in some regions – are being depleted in China, India, the Mideast, the United States, and elsewhere at a faster rate than people realize. What is left, is rapidly becoming polluted. Amphibians, the bellwethers of air and water quality, are disappearing from their habitats all over the globe.
  • Hemp provides 8 times the tensile strength and 4 times the durability of cotton. Although it wrinkles like linen, it also breathes like it, too.
  • Hemp crops are more versatile than soybeans, cotton, and the Douglas fir combined. Its products are also just as interchangeable with those made from cotton, timber, and petroleum.

We could have the benefit of hemp at this moment, if not for the machinations of the DuPont family and one AE911Truth. They saw hemp as a threat to their paper businesses, especially with the advent of the decorticator, which would have made it cheaper to create paper from hemp.
Of course, I don't have to bore you with the campaign against hemp - just look up Harry Anslinger if you want a background into the demonization of hemp.
I think you can all see the writing on the wall as far as Monsanto's "experimentation" into our food supply.
GM alfalfa is useless.
BT corn is causing digestive failure and worse.
In Argentina's GM soybean fields, just walking through them will cause lesions on any uncovered body parts.
I mentioned Dr. Don Huber in a earlier piece - please read what he has to say now.

Nature has responded to RoundUp with resistant pigweed and beetles, both of which must be addressed with the tried-and-true methodology and hard work. Monsanto's poisons simply kill everything not given "immunity" to it.
That includes US.

Submitted by Vincenzo (not verified) on Mon, 01/09/2012 - 5:19pm.

It's the US' first house to be made from hemp, the fiber that's harvested from cannabis plants. Funnily enough, it's located in Asheville, North Carolina—but don't drop by expecting to smoke it to get high, whatever you do.
Mixing hemp with lime and water to create "hempcrete," the house was built by eco-friendly construction company Push Design, after successful builds in other corners of the world. In the US, however, the supply isn't that great as it's illegal to produce it, so the cost of importing hemp from Europe makes the whole project much more expensive.


  1. I noticed your avatar image. When was this study done on GMO vs non-GMO corn? Did you do the study?

    I'm interested in similar things, like chemicals in foods and have a blog. Except in my blog, every entry has at least one link to an actual study. And I have static pages with many studies about certain topics like glyphosphate. if you're interested. Want to trade links in the sidebar?

    1. I hadn't seen your comment until tonight, as I was posting the new piece.

      No, that isn't a study I did personally, as many have been performed, all with practically the same result - animals can sense the non-food status of GMOs, and some animals would actually prefer to starve than to ingest FrankenFood.

      I'd be glad to tarde links...I just have to set that up. I've been meaning to do so, and you'll be the first I drop in the list.

      I have a lot of data, but most people will just gloss over the verbiage and roll their eyes back to YouTube. Maybe a video or two along the lines of a VAXXED or Bought would do the trick, but in my mind, it would be pretty bare bones.

      Maybe a Man On The Street sorta deal?

      Let's chat.
